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Toronto BlessingDoctrinal Statement - Disclaimer - Newsletter - Awards - Bible Studies - Search - Support - Book Reviews - Simpson Articles
Nation Building and Statehood of the Nagorno Karabakh RepublicArtsakh is a state committed to freedom, democracy, free market economy and respect of human rights. As stated in the Article I of NKR Constitution, the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, Artsakh, is a sovereign, democratic stat
Our History | Ontario Women In Law Enforcement (OWLE)Ontario Women in Law Enforcement (OWLE) was granted official affiliate status with the International Association of Women Police (IAWP) in 1997.
Full of Hooey (division of Creativity Corner Inc.) - Canadian businessWelcome to Full of Hooey - in 1997, a search for ?hooey?, wouldn't show much - the web is now 'Full of Hooey.' Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey has shared his creative Ideas At Work! with thousands of professionals around the world
Keep the Jewish Magazine ONLINEThe Jewish Magazine began online in 1997, a long time in Internet history. At that time, there were few sites that presented a varied view of what Judaism is and even today we find most sites pushing only one view. We su
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WWW Security FAQ: Client Side SecurityNetscape servers and browsers do encryption using either a 40-bit secret key or a 128-bit secret key. Many people feel that using a 40-bit key is insecure because it's vulnerable to a brute force attack (trying each
Alien Arquivos - PhenomaniaUm relatório bombástico de OVNIs, o lixo alienígena no nosso sistema solar e mais novas pistas sobre vida extraterrestre.
Impressum/Datenschutz | Hiwwe wie Driwwe - The Pennsylvania German NewPublished by Hiwwe wie Driwwe Agentur + Verlag Inh.: Dr. Michael Werner Pfannenstiel 13 55270 Ober-Olm In cooperation with: Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center 22 Luckenbill Rd, Kutztown, PA 19530 Kutztown, PA 1
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